The complete degradation of America…

This just in.  Donald Trump tweeted, “Congratulations to Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, his wonderful wife Andrea, and his entire family.  You have been through so much together.  Glad I could help!” on the morning of July 3rd, 2019.

There is a problem with this, however.  Eddie Gallagher was on trial due to him stabbing a 12 year old detainee, and then posing with the body.  You can briefly read about what his crimes are here if you’re not up to date on the story.

While I can understand that sometimes in the heat of the moment during war, perhaps irrational decisions will be made.  I can get over over.  What I cannot, however, get over is such disgusting and deliberate behavior, as displayed by Gallagher.  To take a picture, text it out to friends/family, and then BRAG about it… That’s just a new level of disgusting.

The only people who are going to applaud this move are those who’s hearts are filled with hate and rage.  Those are also the same people that make up much of Donald Trump’s base, too.  We MUST hold our soldiers accountable for their poor actions, or else we are just terrorists, too.
